Virtual Prenatal Genetics Short Course 2023

This skills based course is designed to give midwives and other health professionals working in a prenatal testing setting tools to help them to enable patients to access appropriate onwards referral.

Programme overview

Recent technological advances are shaping testing and counselling options in prenatal genetics.

This skills based course is designed to give midwives and other health professionals working in a prenatal testing setting tools to help them to enable patients to access appropriate onwards referral. These include obtaining a family history, identify high risk family histories, approaches to genetic testing, consent taking and counselling skills associated with providing information and results.

The course will provide the background scientific knowledge needed to understand the theory behind the application of genetics in a prenatal setting. The scientific content will be complemented with case based examples and practical exercises to connect the scientific theory to the application in your day to day practice.

Participants will be equipped with the basics of prenatal genetic counselling and managing complex scenarios as well as an update on new technologies. They will also gain skills in taking a family history and assessing when a referral on to clinical genetics is indicated.

All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance upon completion of the course. This course is Royal College of Midwives (RCM) accredited.

Who should attend

This course is designed for midwives, sonographers or other healthcare professionals who wish to gain an introduction or update of prenatal genetics.


This course will take place over six half days on Zoom:

Latest agenda

9:30am – 12:30pm

Recognise basic inheritance patterns

Identify relevant family history and draw a family tree

  • Introductions – Charlotte Tomlinson
  • Basic Genetics – Sophia Cross
  • Genetics and Inheritance Patterns – Tobi Lawal
  • Taking and drawing a family tree – Sophia Cross and Tobi Lawal
  • Breakout group activity: Drawing a family tree – Sophia Cross, Tobi Lawal and Moderator

Moderator: Charlotte Tomlinson

9:30am – 12:45pm

Understand the different types of genetic testing and the situations they might be used in

Understand the principles of PGT

  • Types of Genetic Tests – Anna Lehmann
  • Case Discussion Part 1 Family History and Inheritance Patterns – Eshika Haque and Eleanor Carden
  • Communication Skills Activity Challenging questions when taking Family History – Eshika Haque and Eleanor Carden
  • Types of tests and Results to expect – Emma Fowler and Alice Pendlebury-Watt
  • Communication Skills Activity Discussing types of testing and outcome with patients – Eleanor Carden and Anna Lehmann
  • Preimplantation Genetic Testing – Eshika Haque

Moderator: Poppy Emmett

9:30am – 12:45pm

Compare methods of genetic tests in pregnancy and the situations they might be used in

Discuss tools and procedures used to diagnose genetic conditions during pregnancy

  • Non-invasive pre-natal testing and diagnosis – Jo Hargrave (TBC) and Emily Dixon
  • NIPT/D Case Discussions – Jo Hargrave (TBC) and Emily Dixon
  • Scan Findings and Genetics – Dr Muriel Holder and Dr Srividhya Sankaran
  • Invasive testing – Dr Muriel Holder and Dr Srividhya Sankaran

Moderator: Devon Haynes

9:30am – 12:20pm

Discuss tools and procedures used to diagnose genetic conditions following pregnancy and the changes in new-born screening

Demonstrate the knowledge and communication skills to obtain informed consent for genetic testing in a prenatal setting

  • Post-natal testing and management of conditions and treatment (Research into NBS, childhood SOP) – Devon Haynes
  • Consenting for Genetic Testing – Catrina Williams
  • Communications Skills Activity Consenting – Devon Haynes and Catrina Williams
  • Mock Genetic Counsellor Appointment – Emily Dixon and Catrina Williams
  • Case Discussion Part 2 Identifying prenatal options available – Emily Dixon and Catrina Williams
  • Skeletal dysplasias – Melita Irving (TBC)

Moderator: Eshika Haque

9:30am – 12:30pm

Demonstrate the use of knowledge about genetic testing gained to discuss a patient’s pathway involving genetic testing in pregnancy

  • Introduction of Complex Case – Poppy Emmett and Eleanor Carden
  • Complex Case – Poppy Emmett and Eleanor Carden
  • Complex case: Prenatal testing decision – Poppy Emmett and Eleanor Carden
  • Discussion about the complex case as a whole: what worked what didn’t work? – Poppy Emmett and Eleanor Carden
  • Impact of a Genetic Condition – Charlotte Tomlinson

Moderator: Anna Lehmann

9:30am – 12:30pm

Recognise the emotions that a patient undergoing genetic testing in a prenatal setting may experience and when further support might be needed

Recall how to refer to clinical genetics services and what information is useful to include in the referral

  • Emotional aspects of high-risk cases – Clare Firth
  • Resources (clinician and patient related) and Signposting – Sally Monks
  • Referring to Clinical Genetics – Eleanor Carden
  • Communication Skills Activity Anxiety and how to address it – Sally Monks and Eleanor Carden
  • FMU Midwife experience and Q&A – Harriet Hickey (TBC)

Moderator: Emily Dixon

How to book

Book now via Eventbrite
Prenatal Genetics course attendee

The whole course has been amazing, I have really enjoyed it

Prenatal Genetics course attendee

A very valuable course for anyone working in fetal medicine

Prenatal Genetics course attendee

I feel much more confident discussing prenatal testing

Prenatal Genetics course attendee

Very useful information about how we manage patients holistically before, during and after a genetic diagnosis. Very transferable to my own practice

Prenatal Genetics course attendee

Thank you for such an educational and informative course. It has been so useful in my new role as an FMU midwife